Graduate Student positions in Stable Isotope Ecology:

Impacts of climate and land-use on food-web structure and energy Flow in
prairie lakes

I am looking for two highly motivated graduate students at the MSc or PhD
level to take on two new projects related to food-web structure and energy
flow in prairie lakes. Prairie lakes are extremely dynamic and diverse
systems.  At the same time these lakes are very susceptible to multiple
stressors including climate, land use, and management practices.  Future
projects will include whole-lake experiments to study the interactions of
increasing salinity and fish predation.  As part of this study, metabolic
activity will be assessed by analyzing concentrations and stable isotopes of
dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon to quantify the relative
importance of climate and land-use for the increasing frequency of
winterkill in prairie lakes. 

Students with an interest in aquatic ecology and stable isotope technology
are encouraged to apply.  The successful applicants are expected to
participate in field collections and laboratory analyses, including
microscopy and stable isotope analysis.  Financial support of $18,000 yr-1
will be provided though a combination of research and teaching
assistantships.  Starting date of the positions is negotiable, but will be
no later than fall 2011. 

The Department of Biology at the University of Regina has emerged as a
center for research and teaching excellence, providing quality undergraduate
teaching, graduate student training, and postdoctoral fellow mentorship.  In
addition to its modern facilities for advanced molecular and environmental
research, the Department of Biology is home to several of the top scientists
in ecological, environmental, and cellular and molecular biology.

For further information, please contact Björn Wissel at:

Dr. Björn Wissel
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Biology; EQAL Manager, Faculty of Science
University of Regina,  265.2 Lab Building,  Regina, SK S4S 0A2, Canada
phone: 306 585-4890,  fax: 306 337-2410,  e-mail:

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