Palm oil production has increased tenfold in the last ten years. It now
dominates the global market for vegetable oil. Most palm oil is being
produced on large industrial plantations, driving tropical deforestation in
Indonesia and Malaysia.  

Join the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) for our latest webinar about
tropical forests and land use: Palm Oil and Deforestation: Are Standards for
Sustainability Strong Enough? This webinar will be held on Tuesday, April
19, from 1-2 p.m. EDT.

On the webinar, Dr. Doug Boucher, director of the UCS Tropical Forest &
Climate Initiative, will give a preview of the palm oil chapter of UCS’s
upcoming report on the drivers of deforestation. Additionally, we will
discuss the efforts of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), and
hear a report from a member of the RSPO’s Greenhouse Gas Working Group on
their progress in creating strong standards for certified sustainable palm
oil. Currently, one of our main concerns with RSPO-certified sustainable
palm oil is the lack of standards for emissions from land use change and
palm oil grown on peat soils.

Join the webinar to learn more about this, ask questions, and learn how you
—as an expert—can play a vital role in encouraging the RSPO to adopt strong

RSVP today:


Sarah Roquemore
Outreach Coordinator
Tropical Forest & Climate Initiative
Climate and Energy Program
Union of Concerned Scientists
1825 K Street NW Suite 800
Washington DC   20006-1232
Direct Line:  202-331-5669
Fax:  202-223-6162

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