We are looking for an ecology graduate student or post-doc who would be 
interested in helping us 
with background research for a new interactive chapter on Biogeography and 
Conservation. This 
chapter will become part of the SimUText Ecology series of interactive chapters 
(an alternative to a 
standard ecology textbook that is starting to get wide usage).

We are especially interested in someone familiar with data sets on large-scale 
biodiversity, such as 
species richness across temperature, PET, latitude, etc.. These data will 
become parts of some 
interactive data manipulation exercises to be included in the chapter. We will 
also want you to find a 
few interesting case studies on various topics in biogeography and write one 
page summaries to be 
included in the chapter.

We are offering $25 / hour for this work, as well a line in the chapter 
credits, and feedback on your 
writing vis-a-vis an undergraduate audience. It should also be fun. We expect 
15 - 30 hours of work, 
to happen in May. Please have a good command of writing in english and access 
to a good research 
library. If interested, please email e...@simbio.com asap, including a sentence 
on your research 


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