Even as we spend more and more time in our houses and offices, we remain part 
of an incredible diversity of ecological interactions, interactions that 
remain relatively poorly understood. Do you have a research result, or a 
citizen science project, or a cool outreach idea about how the ecology and 
evolution of some organisms relate to our daily lives? Then you are invited to 
join our national Poster and Podcast Competition at the North Carolina Museum 
of Natural Sciences on June 30th, 5:30.

1st place poster: $1200
2nd place poster: $500
1st place video/podcast (serious): $200
1st place video/podcast (funny): $200

The poster session will be followed by talks by NCSU researchers: "Secret Life 
Of Termites,” “The Ecology And Evolution Of Bedbugs And Roaches,” “The Top Ten 
Monsters On Your Backyard Flowers,” and “The Wild Life Of Our Bodies.” 

More about the event here: http://www.theglobalchangeforum.org/?p=1069
Send contributions or questions to rob_d...@ncsu.edu.

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