Dear ECOLOG community,

I want to bring your attention to the ninth installment of "B74. The Bio-
atmospheric N cycle: N Emissions, Transformations, Deposition, and Ecosystem 
Impacts".  This session, co-convened by Stuart Weiss, Meredith Hastings, and 
myself is a great venue for examining ecosystem impacts and feedbacks 
associated with atmospheric nitrogen deposition (see abstract below).  
Abstracts are due AUGUST 4th, meeting is December 5-9.  Confirmed speakers 
include:  Ronald Cohen (UC Berkeley), Jim Sickman (UC Riverside); Edith Bai 
(UC Davis); and Beth Holland (NCAR).

B74. The Bio-atmospheric N cycle: N Emissions, Transformations, Deposition, 
and Ecosystem Impacts

Biogenic and anthropogenic emissions of reactive nitrogen (Nr) are 
transported and chemically transformed and deposited on land and water, 
altering ecosystem structure and function and degrading environmental 
quality. Estimating atmospheric N exchange, emissions, deposition, and 
ecosystem responses require a diverse array of methods that link processes 
at multiple scales. We seek presentations on physical, chemical, biological, 
and anthropogenic processes that drive local, regional and global nitrogen 
exchange, impacts on ecosystem structure, function, carbon uptake, nitrogen 
export, biodiversity, human health, and the fate of deposited Nr, as well as 
policy implications and responses.

Hope to see you there,

Emily M. Elliott
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology and Planetary Science
200 SRCC Building 
4107 O'Hara Street 
University of Pittsburgh 
Pittsburgh, PA 15260-3332 
ph:  412-624-8882

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