3 rd Annual Event Encourages Biologists to Share Importance of Science with 
Elected Officials 

Washington, DC -- The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) is 
pleased to announce the launch of the 3 rd Annual Biological Sciences 
Congressional District Visits event. This nationwide initiative intends to spur 
individual biologists and research centers to meet with their members of 
Congress during the August congressional district work period. The event helps 
participants to demonstrate the importance of their research to the individuals 
responsible for casting the votes that shape the nation’s science policy. 

"Scientists engage in policy because many issues facing human populations, 
including global climate change, food production, and preservation of 
biodiversity, are inherently based in science,” said Dr. Steve Weller, 
President of the Botanical Society of America, a 2011 Sponsor of the event. “We 
need to ensure that these policies incorporate carefully-reasoned approaches 
based the best scientific information.” 

The 3 rd Annual Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event occurs 
throughout the month of August. Participating scientists and research 
facilities will meet with their members of Congress to show them first-hand the 
people, equipment, and processes involved with modern scientific research. 

“It is exciting to see the growing interest in this effort from members of the 
scientific community,” said AIBS Director of Public Policy Dr. Robert Gropp. 
“This year a number of leading scientific societies and organizations have 
joined us to sponsor this important event.” 

Gropp further said, “As we have witnessed over the past several months, federal 
lawmakers have been engaged in a fever-pitched battle to set the future 
economic course for our nation. Scientific research can and must play a central 
role in these discussions. It is through scientific innovation that we create 
quality jobs, new markets, and a stronger economy. It is helpful to lawmakers 
to see how investments in research impact the communities they represent.” 

In addition to AIBS, Sponsors of the 2011 event are the Botanical Society of 
America, Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, Natural Science 
Collections Alliance, and Organization of Biological Field Stations. The 
Supporters of the 2011 initiative are the National Ecological Observatory 
Network (NEON), Inc., Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, and Society for the 
Preservation of Natural History Collections. 

As in past years, the event draws participation from individual scientists and 
educators, field stations, museums, state academies of science, and other 
research centers from across the nation. 

“R esearchers across the board recognize that there is a disconnect between the 
good science being published in scientific journals and the hearsay going 
around Capitol Hill,” said Clarisse Hart, manager of outreach and development 
for education and research programs at Harvard Forest, an event participant. 
“They also recognize that receiving federal grant money imbues them with a 
responsibility to communicate their findings to the public in a meaningful 

Participants of the Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits were 
prepared for congressional meetings by an online training session presented by 
AIBS that helps scientists understand how to translate their research in 
meaningful ways for non-technical audiences. The AIBS Public Policy Office also 
provided participating scientists with a handbook on successful engagement with 

More information about the Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits 
event is available at 
http://www.aibs.org/public-policy/congressional_district_visits.html . 

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About AIBS 

The American Institute of Biological Sciences is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) 
scientific association dedicated to advancing biological research and education 
for the welfare of society. Founded in 1947 as a part of the National Academy 
of Sciences, AIBS became an independent, member-governed organization in the 
1950s. AIBS is sustained by a robust membership of individual biologists and 
nearly 200 professional societies and scientific organizations; the combined 
individual membership of the latter exceeds 250,000. AIBS advances its mission 
through participating in coalition activities in research, education, and 
public policy; publishing the peer-reviewed journal BioScience and the 
education Web site ActionBioscience.org; providing scientific peer-review and 
advisory services to government agencies and other clients; convening meetings; 
and managing scientific programs. Web site: www.aibs.org . 

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Julie Palakovich Carr 
Senior Public Policy Associate 
American Institute of Biological Sciences 
1444 I Street, NW Suite 200 
Washington, DC 20005 

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