Undergraduate and Graduate Students Sign Petition Asking Congress to Sustain 
Investments in STEM Research and Education 

Nearly 2,800 students pursuing a Ph.D., Master’s, or bachelor’s degree in 
science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) have signed a letter to 
federal lawmakers encouraging sustained investments in the nation’s scientific 
research, education, and training programs. 

“Throughout the 20th century, sustained investments in the areas of science, 
technology, engineering, and mathematics helped build our nation’s economy and 
improved quality of life for people around the world,” states the letter. “If 
the United States is to remain a global leader, both economically and 
scientifically, we must sustain and reinvest in STEM research and development.” 

Help us to reach 3,000 signatures by signing on to the petition at 
http://www.aibs.org/public-policy/science_students_letter.html . 

“As future scientists and educators, federal funding is important to us all,” 
said Rachel Meyer, one of the co-authors of the letter. “While addressing the 
nation’s budget challenges is essential, now is not the time to sacrifice 
investments in science.” Meyer is a doctoral candidate at the City University 
of New York, and Student Representative on the Board of Directors for the 
Botanical Society of America. 

The petition was sent to Representatives who serve on the House Appropriations 
Committee. On 13 July, the committee approved legislation to fund the National 
Science Foundation (NSF) and other federal science agencies for fiscal year 
2012. NSF is a major supporter of basic research at America’s universities and 
colleges. In many fields, such as biology, computer science, mathematics, and 
the social sciences, NSF is the primary source of federal funding. 

“Science is a proven driver of economic growth in the United States,” said 
American Institute of Biological Sciences President Dr. James P. Collins. 
“Federal support for research and science education is vital for job creation 
and economic recovery, and for continued advancements in human health, national 
security, agriculture, energy, and environmental stewardship. The views 
expressed in this letter are a real credit to the foresight of these thousands 
of students.” 

The letter was signed by residents of all 50 states, Washington, DC, Puerto 
Rico, and Guam. The students are pursuing degrees across a wide range of 
scientific disciplines, including biology, geology, chemistry, physics, 
linguistics, astronomy, math, computer science, and engineering. 

The letter is the result of a joint effort between student members of the 
Botanical Society of America and the American Institute of Biological Sciences. 

If you are a student pursuing a Ph.D., Master's, or bachelor's degree in 
science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, please sign the petition at 
http://www.aibs.org/public-policy/science_students_letter.html . 

A copy of the signed petition can be downloaded at 

Julie Palakovich Carr 
Senior Public Policy Associate 
American Institute of Biological Sciences 
1444 I Street, NW Suite 200 
Washington, DC 20005 

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