Hi All:

In response to Madhu's query--

Because most scientific organizations such as ESA work under embargoes, you are 
unlikely to see advance news stories about the meeting.  Once the embargoes 
begin to lift (the day a presentation is made at the Annual Meeting), the media 
will begin to cover the meeting.  The exception was the belly button microbe 
story, where a reporter broke the embargo and we lifted it for everyone; hence 
the story is already out well before the research is presented at the ESA 

Organizations use embargoes for both scientific meetings where new research is 
presented as well as for their journals.  The idea is to give reporters advance 
time to learn about the topic, interview the researchers and put together a 
good story.  The embargo gives all reporters the same amount of time to prepare 
their story.  For a meeting, the embargo lists on the day the research is 
presented; for a journal, it is usually when the journal article is published.

ESA distributed several embargoed press releases to all its trusted media 
contacts, as well as worked with many institutions' public information offices 
to encourage them to send out their own releases about the meeting if they have 
researchers from their institution presenting in Austin.

About a dozen press are registered to attend and cover the Annual Meeting and 
we expect more to cover it remotely.

The Society's Opening Plenary and Thursday's benefit concert are open to the 
general public free of charge and we sent out Public Service Announcements to 
all local news outlets.  Austin EcoNetwork did this short blog promoting the 
these two events:


So, stay tuned, press coverage about the meeting will start rolling in once the 
meeting actually starts.

If you have more questions and are attending the ESA meeting in Austin, you are 
welcome to stop by our Press Room, room 2 at the Convention Center.



Nadine Lymn
ESA Director of Public Affairs

Hello from Austin, folks!

I would like to share some thoughts from my blog as I prepare for the ESA 2011 
meeting starting here today, and wonder why this big meeting isn't in the news 
- anywhere:


I would appreciate any feedback, on why ESA isn't more in the news, or whether 
it is just my misperception.


Madhusudan Katti
Associate Professor of Vertebrate Biology
Department of Biology, M/S SB73
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740-8034

Email: mka...@csufresno.edu
Tel: 559.278.2460
Fax: 559.278.3963
Lab: http://www.reconciliationecology.org/
ULTRA: http://urban-faces.org/
Blog: http://leafwarbler.posterous.com/

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