Call for Teaching Materials: Developing Ecologically-Based Conservation Targets 
under Global Change

In conjunction with the 2012 Emerging Issues Conference, "Developing 
Ecologically-Based Conservation Targets Under Global Change," ESA's EcoEd 
Digital Library (EcoEdDL) is seeking related teaching materials that faculty 
can use in undergraduate courses. 

Conference site: 

If you have images, datasets, figure sets or classroom activities that can be 
used to teach students about topics related to conservation and global change, 
we encourage you to submit them for digital publication in EcoEdDL! We will 
feature a special collection to promote the Conference within the ecological 
community; a similar collection was created for the 2009 Millennium Conference 
on "Water-Ecosystem Services, Drought and Environmental Justice."

Millennium collection:

By submitting to EcoEdDL, you will:

*       Locate and share cutting edge, peer-reviewed ecology education resources
*       Gain access to a community of scientists and educators 
*       Advance ecology education and potentially fulfill NSF's broader impacts 

Activity submissions are peer reviewed for scientific accuracy and pedagogical 
use, and images are reviewed by EcoEdDL editors. To be reviewed and published 
in time for the March conference, we must receive your submission by December 
20, 2011. We welcome additional contributions after the deadline for inclusion 
in the general collection. Resources could address one or more topics related 
to the conference theme, such as:

*       Trade-off analyses of conservation decisions using both current and 
forecast parameters
*       Impacts of global change on policy decisions concerning management of 
non-native, threatened, and endangered species
*       Impacts of climate change on both cultural and ecological diversity
*       Measures and definitions of biodiversity and ecosystem function within 
dynamic environmental contexts.

Contact Celia Smith, ESA Education Programs Coordinator, at for 
more information.

Celia Smith
Education Programs Coordinator
Ecological Society of America
(202) 833-8773 ext. 236

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