There are numerous nurseries across the range of oak species in the southern 
USA that produce millions of oak seedlings each year.  A call to a nursery 
manager that produces oak seedlings would provide plenty of first-hand 

Just down the road from OSU the Oklahoma State Nursery produces bare-root and 
container seedlings of blackjack oak, bur oak, chinkapin oak, northern red oak, 
pin oak, post oak, sawtooth oak, Shumard oak, water oak, white oak, and willow 
oak.  That is a nice selection of white and red oaks to cover the range of seed 
dormancy.  They know how to collect, treat, store and plant seeds and how to 
grow seedlings.  Call Scott Huff the nursery manager at 405-288-2385.  The 
website is:

Oak seedlings produce a long and sturdy tap root that must be carefully managed 
to produce a seedling that can be transplanted.  Call a nursery manager for the 
straight practical information.

Steve Hallgren
022 Ag Hall
Natural Resource Ecology and Management
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
office: 405-744-6805
FAX: 405-744-3530

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