
I am stumped with my literature searches to unearth papers on the
response of ecosystem engineers (richness and abundance) to metrics of
habitat heterogeneity.  In particular, I am interested in defining habitat
heterogeneity with regards to spatial landscape metrics of habitat
composition and configuration, and structural complexity.

I realize that by their very definition, ecosystem engineers create and
maintain the complex habitats that other species depend upon.  However, I am
interested in references that investigate how important habitat
heterogeneity is to the foundation species themselves?

I work in coral communities myself but am interested in analogous
multi-species assemblages from the terrestrial world of habitat
engineers/foundation species (i.e. forest tree communities; grassland

Any leads to work assessing the influence of configuration or composition of
habitat patches on foundation species/engineers would be appreciated!

Thank you,

Brittany Huntington
Division of Marine Biology and Fisheries
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
University of Miami
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149

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