Assistant Professor in Microbial Ecology

The Biology Department invites applications for a tenure-track
Assistant Professor appointment in microbial ecology (beginning Fall
2012, subject to budgetary approval). We seek a colleague using
cutting-edge techniques (e.g., genomics, proteomics) to study microbes
and their regulation of ecological interactions, ecosystem function,
biogeochemical cycles, and/or global change in terrestrial or aquatic
systems. Applicants must have a PhD in a relevant field and are
expected to have postdoctoral experience and a strong publication
record. Responsibilities include establishing a research program with
extramural funding and participating in both undergraduate and
graduate teaching, including an undergraduate course in Microbiology.
The successful candidate will be offered newly renovated laboratory
facilities, a competitive salary and start-up package, and will have
the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary graduate programs
in Biogeoscience and Bioinformatics/Systems Biology. Review of
applications will begin Dec. 1, 2011. Please use AcademicJobsOnline
( to submit a cover
letter, curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching
interests, and three representative reprints, and arrange for three
letters of reference to be submitted through the same website.
Inquiries can be addressed to Prof. Adrien Finzi, Chair, Microbial
Ecology Search Committee, at

Please visit the following websites for additional information about
the Biology Department ( and
interdisciplinary Graduate Programs in Biogeoscience
( and Bioinformatics
( Boston University is an Equal
Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer.

Two Faculty Positions, one in Remote Sensing, one in Ecosystem
Modeling are Available in the Department of Geography & Environment @
Boston University

The Department of Geography & Environment at Boston University invites
applications for two tenure-track Assistant Professors specializing in
(1) remote sensing and (2) ecosystem modeling. These positions are
designed to expand interdisciplinary collaborations in Earth systems
science and terrestrial biogeoscience among the Departments of
Geography & Environment, Biology, Earth Sciences, and the Center for
Remote Sensing at Boston University. Candidates with interests that
complement the Boston University Program in Terrestrial Biogeosciences
( are especially encouraged to apply.

Position (1). We seek a scholar with research and teaching interests
in emerging areas of remote sensing technology or applications to
complement and broaden existing expertise at Boston University.
Potential specializations include active and passive microwave, lidar,
atmospheric, high spatial resolution, or hyperspectral remote sensing.
We are particularly interested in candidates who use remote sensing
to address climate and ecosystem science questions related to large
scale biogeochemistry, biodiversity, hydrology and water resources,
land use and land cover, or biometeorology. Queries regarding this
position should be directed to the search committee chair, Dr. Curtis
Woodcock (

Position (2). We seek a scholar with research and teaching interests
in quantitative modeling of ecological, biogeochemical, or
biogeophysical processes that span a range of scales.We specifically
seek candidates whose research and teaching interests are
interdisciplinary and include topics such as landscape ecology,
coupled human-natural systems, biogeochemistry and ecosystem
functions, global change biology, and the use of remote sensing and
GIS as scaling and modeling tools in global change science. Queries
regarding this position should be directed to the search committee
chair, Dr. Mark Friedl (

Candidates should have a commitment to teaching (both graduate and
undergraduate) and research, and a desire to work in an
interdisciplinary setting. Applicants should submit a CV, a statement
of teaching and research interests, and contact information for at
least three referees by November 25, 2011. Electronic applications are
encouraged and should be sent to, with the subject line
"Remote Sensing Position" or "Ecosystem Modeller Position," as
appropriate. Hard copies will also be accepted and should be
addressed to Department of Geography & Environment, Boston University,
675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. Boston University is an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.

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