Learning for Sustainability (LfS) web portal
   Site update: September 2011

This email update provides a brief introduction to new resources that
have been added to the Learning for Sustainability (LfS) site -
http://learningforsustainability.net/  - in the past couple of months.
The linked site newsletter provides direct links to new papers looking
at complexity, engagement, adaptation and social capital. The site
brings together resources that help address the social and capacity
building aspects of managing collective interests within complex
decision making environments.

The LfS site highlights the wide range of social skills and processes
that are needed to support constructive collaboration, and indicates
how these skills and processes can be interwoven to achieve more
integrated and effective outcomes. It brings links to several hundred
annotated on-line resources from different sectors and geographic
areas together in one easy to access place, and it concentrates on
providing links to open access materials. The featured links in this
newsletter are drawn from some of the new sections updated recently.
Direct links to these papers are provided through the on-line update
at http://learningforsustainability.net/newsletters/sep11.php  - and
they include the following:

*     "Taking responsibility for complexity"- This ODI briefing paper
aims: to give readers the tools to decide when a problem is complex,
outline why this matters, and provide guidance on how to achieve
results in the face of complexity.
*     "Liberating structures: A new pattern language for engagement"-
This recent OD Practitioner paper by Lisa Kimball looks at how
managers can generate meaningful engagement that constructively
work and organizations. It shows that to facilitate significant,
transformative changes in organizations we need to make a profound
change in how people interact, not just at off sites and other special
occasion meetings, but in all the get togethers that make up daily
life in organizations.
*     "Forests and Climate Change: Linking Adaptation and Mitigation"-
Climate change can be addressed by mitigation and adaptation. However,
there is a need to explore the linkages between these two options in
order to understand their trade-offs and synergies. This paper
explores this issue using Latin American examples.
*     "The Role of ICT in Building Communities and Social Capital"-
This paper examines the debate around the impact of ICT and argues
that ICT supplements and transforms social capital rather than
diminishing it.

This update is posted on an occasional basis - please feel free to
forward to interested colleagues. Feedback is welcomed, and visitors
are encouraged to suggest papers, reports and other material to add.
Thanks to those of you who have pointed to papers and other links for
inclusion and sharing among the wider global community of practice in
this area. The site has now been operating for more than 10 years and
receives more than 600 visitors each day, with the highest number of
visits in any one day being in excess of 1500. You can visit the
Learning for Sustainability (LfS) site directly at
http://learningforsustainability.net and your ideas and suggestions
for links are welcomed.

Wishing you all the best with your ongoing activities.

Dr. Will Allen

LearningForSustainability.net - http://learningforsustainability.net/
 Helping people collaborate and innovate
E-mail: w...@learningforsustainability.net

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