Hello Ecologers!

Final Call for Papers
Dendrochronology Sessions at the Association of American Geographers (AAG)
Annual Meeting, New York, New York (February 24th - 28th, 2012)

Sponsored by the Biogeography, Paleoenvironmental Change, and Climate
Specialty Groups

This the final call for tree ring talks to be presented at AAG. We
will organize sessions based on topics of the submitted abstracts.
Likely sessions will include:

Dendrochronological Applications (co-organizer, Grant Harley)
Dendroclimatology (co-organizer, Josh Wixom)
Dendrogeomorphology (co-organizer, Markus Stoffel)
Stable Isotopes (co-organizer, Shelly Rayback)
Tropical Dendrochronology (organizers, Matthew Therrell and Valerie Trouet)

We continue to encourage researchers to present in other themed
sessions that suit your research, but hope we can attract many
tree-ring scientists to attend these organized sessions to provide
interaction and exchange of ideas and possible future collaborations.

If you are interested in participating in these organized sessions,
please contact Stockton Maxwell (rs...@psu.edu) or the other
organizers with a working title and subdisciplinary
category. Abstracts should be submitted online to the AAG. Once you
have registered, the AAG PIN number you are given must be e-mailed to
Stockton Maxwell (rs...@psu.edu) by October 10th (complying with this
deadline will give us time to finalize the sessions by the formal
October 13th submission deadline for the AAG).

AAG Call for Papers and abstract guidelines:

Feel free to contact any of our organizers about your interest in
these sessions.

Stockton Maxwell, lead organizer
Penn State University

Josh Wixom
West Virginia University

Grant Harley
University of Tennessee

Shelly Rayback
University of Vermont

Markus Stoffel
University of Berne

Matthew D. Therrell,
Southern Illinois University

Valerie Trouet
University of Arizona

R. Stockton Maxwell, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
The Pennsylvania State University
Department of Geography
205 Walker Building
University Park, PA 16802

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