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From: "Dan Bolnick" <>
Date: September 28, 2011 1:47:09 PM CDT
Subject: ASN Award and Nomination Deadlines

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Nominations for ASN Executive Committee
Members of the American Society of Naturalists (ASN) are invited to submit nominations for the Executive Committee (EC). Elections will be held in 2012 for President, Vice President, and Secretary. The President will serve on the EC from 2013 through 2017 and act as President in 2014. The Vice President will serve on the EC from 2013 through 2014 and attend EC meetings ex officio in 2015. The VP symposium will be presented at the meetings in 2014. The Secretary will serve on the EC from 2013 through 2015 as Secretary and from 2016 through 2018 as Past Secretary. Letters of nomination should be submitted by December 1, 2011, to Please indicate “ASN Nomination” in the subject line.

Nominations for 2012 Sewall Wright Award
The Sewall Wright Award is given annually and honors a senior but active investigator who is making fundamental contributions to the Society’s goals, namely promoting the conceptual unification of the biological sciences. The award includes an honorarium of $1,000. The recipient need not be a member of the Society. For the 2012 Sewall Wright Award, the nomination packet, which must include a letter of nomination and a curriculum vitae including a publication list, should be sent by December 1, 2011, to Please indicate “Sewall Wright Award” in the subject line.

Nominations for 2012 Edward O. Wilson Naturalist Award
The Edward O. Wilson Naturalist Award is given to an active investigator in midcareer who has made significant contributions to the knowledge of a particular ecosystem or group of organisms. Individuals whose research and writing illuminate principles of evolutionary biology and an enhanced aesthetic appreciation of natural history will merit special consideration. The recipient need not be a member of the Society. The award will consist of an especially appropriate work of art and a prize of $2,000, presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Naturalists. For the 2012 Edward O. Wilson Naturalist Award, a nomination packet that includes a letter of nomination, a curriculum vitae including a publication list, and three key publications should be sent by December 1, 2011, to Please indicate “E. O. Wilson Award” in the subject line.

Applications for 2012 Jasper Loftus-Hills Young Investigators’ Award
The Jasper J. Loftus-Hills Young Investigators Award was established in 1984 to recognize promising, outstanding work by investigators who received their doctorates in the three years preceding the application deadline or who are in their final year of graduate school. Jasper Loftus-Hills (1946–1974) was an Australian biologist of exceptional promise, who had published 16 articles in the three years after receiving his degree. He was killed by a hit-and-run driver while tape recording frog calls along a Texas highway. The recipient need not be a member of the Society. The award includes presentation of a research paper at the annual meeting of the ASN, an award of $500, a travel allowance of $700, and a supplement of $500 in case of international travel. The prize committee requests applications for the 2012 award from anyone supporting the objectives of the Society. Suggested names and addresses of people who should be encouraged to apply are also welcome. Applications should consist of no more than three pages (excluding tables, figures, and references) that summarize the applicant’s work, no more than four appropriate reprints, a curriculum vitae, and two letters from individuals familiar with the applicant’s work. Application materials should be sent via e-mail by December 1, 2011, to Please indicate “Young Investigators’ Prize” in the subject line.

Applications for ASN Student Research Award
The ASN announces the first annual Student Research Awards, which support research by student members that advances the goals of the society: the conceptual unification of ecology, evolution, or behavior. The award consists of a $2,000 check to the candidate. An applicant must be a member of the ASN (membership is international), must hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, must have passed to candidacy in a PhD program or equivalent, and must be at least one year from completing the PhD. Applicants should send a two-page proposal (not including references). In addition, applicants should include a budget with justification (one page), a short curriculum vitae (two pages), a statement from the PhD supervisor that verifies that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements, and the supervisor’s recommendation supporting the research proposed by the student (one page). Projects in all types of research (i.e., laboratory, field, theory) are encouraged. Proposals will be judged on originality, strength and significance of the questions being addressed, prospects for significant results, and the match between the proposed research and the ASN mission. All materials should be compiled into one PDF file and sent via e-mail to with “ASN Student Research Award” in the subject line. Deadline for submission of all materials is January 31, 2012. More information is available at
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Dr. Daniel I. Bolnick

Early Career Scientist
Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Associate Professor
Section of Integrative Biology
One University Station C0930
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712

fax 512-471-3878

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