Dear colleagues,

The new, open-access transdisciplinary journal "Culture, Climate and Change:
Biocultural Systems and Livelihoods" (CCC:BSL) aims to critically engage
with and disseminate biocultural approaches to understanding and responding
to climate change and global change processes. The first issue is now open
for submissions.  Contributions should emphasise the interconnected reality
of indigenous biocultural systems and how they enable adaptive capacity,
resilience and mitigation. 

A feature of this first issue will be a section on REDD and REDD+. We are
particularly interested in articles that explore the relationship between
the rights of forest dwelling indigenous peoples and climate change
mitigation mechanisms for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (REDD).

Submissions that provide local perspectives and knowledge as well as
academic and professional inquiry are welcomed. Topics  could expand on
discourses and practices of socio-ecological and biocultural complex
systems, climate change, conservation, endogenous development and indigenous
rights. Original articles, research report summaries and brief
communications are welcome. Articles will begin to be published in January
2012 and can continue to be published until the issue closes. Types of
papers include: i) research articles (5 – 8,000 words); essays; book and
report reviews.


Please visit the CCC:BSL site at for all the information on
how to format your manuscript, as well as on-line submissions. Please note
that you must register (go to as an author to be
able to submit your manuscript.  For more information:
 Completed manuscripts submitted by December 23rd will be considered for the
journal launch in January 2012. Manuscripts submitted after this date will
also be considered for the first issue, which will continue to publish
papers through till March 2012.  

Short contributions: Maximum length 2,000 words 
Research articles: Maximum length 8,000 words  

Dr Marina Apgar, Indigenous PeoplesÂ’ Biocultural Climate Change Assessment
(IPCCA) initiative, Asociacion ANDES, Cusco, Peru  
Dr Will Allen, Learning for Sustainability - 
Dr Martin Pedersen, Co-founder  tr33 -
Dr Nina Moeller, Freelance Consultant, UK 

Please forward this introduction to the Culture, Climate and Change:
Biocultural Systems and Livelihoods journal, and call for papers onto
interested colleagues and networks.


Dr Will Allen
Culture, Climate and Change: Biocultural Systems and Livelihoods journal

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