Weed Ecology Graduate Assistantship - funding is available for a
self-motivated PhD student to develop a project focused on the effects
of cover crop diversity on weed dynamics within agroecosystems.

The graduate student will work on an interdisciplinary research
project that seeks to determine the agronomic, environmental, and
economic benefits and costs of using cover crop mixtures of varying
diversity in an organic crop production system. The project includes
field experiments at a university research station, collaboration with
farmer learning networks, and research and demonstrations on organic
farms. The student will join a diverse team of scientists at Penn
State with expertise in entomology, plant genetics, weed ecology,
economics, and biogeochemistry. The PhD at Penn State University can
be awarded in Ecology or Plant and Soil Sciences.

Contact David Mortensen (dmorten...@psu.edu) or Meagan Schipanski
(mschipan...@psu.edu) for more information about the project. For more
information about our lab group, visit: weedecology.psu.edu.

Meagan Schipanski
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dept of Crop and Soil Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
116 ASI Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-7643

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