Please circulate this to undergraduate and graduate students who might
be interested in a research fellowship opportunity focused on
semi-arid grassland, savanna and riparian areas.

Please find attached the announcement for the Ariel Appleton Research
Fellowships for 2012.

Purpose: To support non-destructive research in the natural sciences,
with emphasis on conservation ecology focused on species, communities,
ecosystems and ecosystem services, or human ecology in semiarid
grassland, savanna, and riparian areas of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan
ecoregions; research proposals within the earth sciences are also
encouraged.  Applications that propose non-destructive, non-invasive
research at and around the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch of the
National Audubon Society ( will be
especially welcome.

Amount: $2000 per fellowship, which is considered to cover costs of
the study, including room, board, transportation, and minor equipment.
 Payment will be made directly to successful applicants.

Application deadline: 1 February 2012

Awards announcement: early March 2012

Duration: Study to be completed within one year.

Eligibility: Undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled at
recognized academic institutions.

Application Requirements:  Applications must be received
electronically, and must include four parts in the order given below:

1.      Deadline: 1 February 2012
2.      Submission procedure: Email to W. R. Osterkamp <>
3.      Awards will be announced in early March, 2012.
4.      Application structure:  Must include all four sections in the order
given below:
a.      Biography (one page) of applicant including field experience,
relevant courses completed, and other information the applicant deems
b.      Research proposal (two pages maximum, excluding citations), that
describes the work to be accomplished, its ecological or biophysical
significance, relevance to contemporary ecology or earth science, and
a tentative timeline.  All information, excluding literature
citations, must adhere to the two-page limit.
c.      Budget (one-page).
d.      Letter of support (one) from the faculty advisor stating that the
applicant is capable of conducting the proposed research.  The letter
should describe the level of supervision that is to be provided or
indicate how the work can be accomplished independently.  The
applicant's work plan should be endorsed by the student's faculty
advisor in the case of graduate students, or the student’s faculty
mentor in the case of undergraduates.
5.      Format:  1 inch margins (maximum), 12 point font (minimum)
6.      Special considerations will be given to
a.      projects that involve or include the Appleton-Whittell Research
Ranch of the National Audubon Society, near Elgin, Arizona (applicants
are encouraged to consider this site for part or all of the field
b.      efforts that provide the foundation (e.g. literature review) for
larger proposals that would focus on transborder issues. Examples
include the measurement of ecosystem services provided by semiarid
grasslands, status of research associated with carbon sequestration of
semiard grasslands, correlation of hydroecologic monitoring of
grasslands to the ecosystem services they provide, as well as
proposals that consider the phenological reactions of grasslands to
climate change, and how changes and ecological conditions affect
populations of native species such as bats, other small mammals, and
the Chiricahua leopard frog.

Address questions to W. R. Osterkamp (; 520-670-6821 ex. 113).

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