Hi everyone!  I have a question regarding GIS training.  I got my PhD in
2006 and until May 2011 was employed as a researcher when the position
funding ran out.  Since then, I have been unable to find a job, partially
because of my specialized experience.  It seems that many job postings
these days require some level of GIS competency.  Although I have had a
week-long introductory course in GIS and have collaborated with GIS
specialists in my research, I don't have the necessary skills.  I have an
opportunity to obtain a scholarship for a GIS certificate program that
includes learning to use GIS, classes in spatial analysis and remote
sensing, and database management.  I'd like to hear from professionals as
to whether this would enhance my chances of getting a job in the wildlife
field.  Just to give an idea, my Masters in is Wildlife Biology and my PhD
is in reproductive physiology.  I would greatly appreciate any input!

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