I have been enjoying this listserv for a couple of years now, but this is my
first time posting to it.  I have just graduated with a MS degree in Natural
Science and am looking to continue my studies in a PhD program, however, I
am having trouble finding faculty members that are a perfect match for me.

My interests in ecology span multiple topics.  I find myself especially
interested in the interactions between plants and animals. 
I am interested in animal seed dispersal (of any type) and the role it
plays in the dynamics of plant communities over time.  This can include (but
is not limited to)invasion into new ecosystems/ range expansion, spatial
arrangement within a community, and attractant/dispersal mechanisms. Along
similar lines, I would be interested in studying lichen
ecology.  Particularly herbivory and dispersal of lichens and the use of
lichens in animal habitats (invertebrate habitats, bird nests, etc...). 
This is a greatly understudied field that I think could tell some
interesting stories. It is here where I find difficulty finding a match for
me.  There are many people studying plant-animal interactions these days but
few people interested in lichens.  I have yet to find anyone interested in
lichen-animal interactions.

I have also run into the problem that the deadline for many programs has
already passed.  I am not sure if these deadlines are set in stone or if
department faculty can work around them.  Does anyone have any ideas for
where I should look? Anyone looking for or have any room in their lab for
me?  I would be interested in any research in the above fields, even if it
isn't in a PhD program.  
Thanks for taking the time to read my shameless plug! If you want any more
information on me, let me know and I will gladly send it to you.

Timothy Shearman  

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