Visiting Scientist Awards for 2012
Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences
University of South Carolina
Baruch Marine Field Laboratory, Georgetown

Applications are being accepted for awards to support investigators interested 
in spending 2 to 4 
weeks in residence at the Baruch Marine Field Laboratory at North Inlet 
Estuary, during the 2012 field 

Faculty level investigators who would benefit from the close proximity of a 
variety of salt 
marsh/estuarine habitats and a modern research facility are encouraged to 
apply. We especially 
encourage scientists with interests in establishing long-term research programs 
in the area. 
Proposals for field-based studies that can be supported by existing 
infrastructure and extant 
databases will be favored. Information on the BMFL, the study site, current 
research projects, and the 
faculty associated with USC’s Marine Science Program can be found at

Each award will provide up to $3000 of support for research expenses and 
travel. In addition, we are 
offering laboratory/office space, access to equipment, use of small boats, and 
single bedroom 
accommodations on site at no charge. Research and travel expenses incurred by 
the individual can 
be reimbursed or, for some items, purchased in advance through the University 
of SC. Awarded 
funds must be spent between April 30 and November 30, 2012. Awardees will be 
expected to 
present a research seminar during their stay.

A letter of introduction and intent should provide the following information:
- current area of research and what new work you would initiate while on site, 
- previous or potential collaborations with resident or campus-based 
- period(s) you would like to spend in residence (investigators may choose to 
make multiple trips 
rather than one extended stay),
- specific field and equipment access you would require.

In addition to this narrative, please provide your CV (3 pages maximum) and a 
budget for the 
planned expenditure of a $3000 award.

Applications must be received by March 9 and the awards will be made by March 
23, 2012. Email 
submissions are preferred.

Please direct inquiries and applications to:
Dr. Scott Neubauer
Baruch Marine Field Laboratory, University of South Carolina
P.O. Box 1630
Georgetown, SC 29442
(843) 904-9030 

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