REU: Ant morphometrics and evolution (University of Michigan)

We are looking for a student to work on the analysis of ant morphology
evolution in a phylogenetic context.  The broader project is
investigating the joint evolution of ant biodiversity in
morphological, ecological, and geographic space.  The summer student
project will focus on 3-D imaging and quantification of ant
morphology, and analyzing these data with project collaborators to
test theories for how morphology evolves in space and time.  In
addition, there are opportunities to work with computer scientists in
the engineering school on artificial intelligence and computer vision
applications to biodiversity analysis.

To apply, send a CV, a cover letter explaining your interest in the
position, and have two references submit letters of recommendation
directly by email.  All materials and enquiries can be sent to  The position is at the University of

Evan P. Economo
Michigan Society of Fellows
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Michigan

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