I was wondering if anybody has advice on cheap and easy alternative

I was wondering if anybody has advice on cheap and easy alternatives to sticky 
traps for collecting flying insects in the field. I am mostly interested in 
catching small Dipterans (e.g. Chironomids and Ceratopogonids), and I was 
wondering if anybody has suggestions on how to collect these insects with a 
method that allows for high replication and minimal difficulty in removing the 
insects. Although sticky traps are cheap and easy to transport in the field, 
sample processing is time consuming and I often loose insect parts (e.g. wings, 
antenna, legs) that allow identification of the different individuals. Also, I 
am using mineral spirits to separate the insects from the traps which is far 
from enjoyable to work with. 

I have been playing with the idea of  using the material in reusable lint 
rollers (something like this: https://schticky.com/) to build sticky traps 
(instead of acetate sheets and tangle foot). If I were to buy this material in 
sheets I could make small traps the size of standard sticky traps.  The 
material is supposed to be sticky when dry, but trapped objects come off easily 
with water. If this is true, then I should be able to use the "schticky traps" 
in the field, as long as I am able to protect them from rain. I was wondering 
if anybody has tried this "schticky method" (or something similar), and if so, 
if it has been useful.

Thanks in advance for your advise and help, I look forward to 
hearing suggestions and feedback!


Ramsa Chaves-Ulloa
PhD student
Biological Sciences Dept.
Dartmouth College
78 College St.
Hanover, NH 03755 

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