An MS graduate student assistantship is available to start in the 
summer/fall 2012 in the Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife 
Research Unit in the School of Forest Resources.  The position is fully 
funded by the USGS and Pennsylvania Game Commission for 2.5 years.  The 
project involves research on genetic mark-recapture population estimates 
and surveillance for river otter in northeastern Pennsylvania.  The ideal 
candidate will have experience with population genetics, mark-recapture 
analyses, and Geographic Information Systems software.

Graduate research will include field research to collect fecal samples at 
otter latrine sites and random sampling of otter tissue.  The most 
qualified applicants will have an interest in population estimation using 
genetic mark-recapture and a strong interest in furbearer ecology and 
management. Interested applicants should submit the following items: 1) a 
C.V. with GPA, GREs, and contact information for 3 references and 2) a 1-2 
page description of research interests and responses to qualifications.  
Applications should be submitted in a single file (pdf, Word) by email to: 
Dr. W. David Walter ( with the Subject line: GRADUATE 

Qualifications: Applicants must be in good physical condition, as field 
work will require hiking and backpacking to remote sites under all weather 
conditions at various times of the year.  Applicant should be comfortable 
navigating off-trail using topographic maps, and ArcPad GPS software on 
hand held units.  Applicants should also feel comfortable in a laboratory 
setting preparing fecal samples for genetic analysis and have a strong 
interest in applying their skill in both the field and laboratory.  

Salary: Tuition+Stipend

Last Date to Apply: March 16, 2012

Contact: W. David Walter

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