Thank you all for your informative comments on the uses you've had for the
thermochron and hygrochron I buttons !!! They were very helpful.  Most
people found the Thermochrons worked well, one researcher reported about
10% failure.  The hygrochrons (Hydrometer and temperature) had mixed
results with most being negative for very humid environments. ( water
condenses on them, not much accuracy above 75% humidity). Some researchers
suggested encasing them in Marine goop,  Marine Goop (**buy/products/15263-marine-**
)  or plastic bags ( I think they may have been referring to only the
themochrons).  The most important piece of information was relayed to me by
two researchers, the fact that these i buttons may impact bats with their
 transmission, and they included a reference:  Willis, C.K.R., J.W.
Jameson, P.A. Faure, J.G. Boyles, V.Brack, and T.H. Cervone. 2009.
Thermocron iButton and iBBat temperature dataloggers emit ultrasound.
Journal of comparative physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and
Environmental Physiology. 179:7 pages 867-874.

Thank you for helping,
Wendy R. Townsend, PhD.
OTS NAPIRE Coordinator

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