Please share this announcement with any recent or s
Dear ECOLOGers-

Please share this announcement with any recent or soon to graduate Master's 
students with excellent GIS skills. We are looking for a candidate with:
        * An interdisciplinary background or interest in a wide variety of 
natural/environmental sciences, including aquatic ecosystems, urban systems and 
planning, water resources, land use change, climate change, etc.
        * Strong analytic capabilities, particularly in spatial analysis of 
large datasets within a GIS environment
        * Strong interest in applying GIS tools to a variety of global change 
        * Interest in GIS scripting and tool development, for example using 
        * Excellent communication skills including cartography
The work is highly interdisciplinary and interactive with applicability to EPA 
and other agency programs. We are looking for a highly motivated individual 
with excellent skills in geography, urban planning, environmental science, 
natural resources, or related fields.

Below are links to the complete fellowship announcement and instructions on 
submitting an application. Thank you for your help in circulating this 
announcement to appropriate applicants. 

Kind regards,

Phil Morefield

ORISE fellowship announcement 

Research Project Description
Research Participation Program
Office of Research and Development
National Center for Environmental Assessment
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Arlington, VA 
Project Description: 
A postgraduate research training opportunity is currently available at the U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Center for Environmental 
Assessment (NCEA). This appointment will be served with the Global Change 
Research Program (GCRP) in Arlington, Virginia. The GCRP, located in the EPA’s 
Office of Research and Development (ORD), works to build the capacity of 
programs, managers, and other decision-makers to assess and respond to global 
change (i.e., climate and land use) impacts on the environment and human 
health. Research and assessment activities are focused on a number of areas: 
ambient air quality, ambient water quality, the built environment (including 
water and wastewater infrastructure), aquatic ecosystems, and human health. For 
more information about the GCRP activities in NCEA, 
This research training opportunity, in the development of GIS-based decision 
support tools, will support a linked, interdisciplinary set of projects with 
the overarching goal of improving our understanding of the implications of 
climate and land-use change for U.S. water quality, aquatic ecosystems, and 
urban areas. This research will ultimately help inform EPA about reducing 
environmental and societal vulnerabilities to climate change through 
appropriate adaptation strategies.
This project involves (1) analyses of land-use change projections for the 
conterminous U.S. to 2100 and (2) vulnerability analyses of regions and 
watersheds to global changes. The research participant will have an opportunity 
to engage with a team of scientists at EPA on a variety of climate change 
projects in the pursuit of creating Geographic Information System (GIS) 
products and effective GIS-based decision support tools for managers and 
decision makers.
 The research participant could be involved in the following activities:
        * Development of custom geoprocessing tools for ESRI ArcGIS that 
perform or facilitate analyses of model output, including climate, land use, 
and hydrology, generally with nationwide extent and high spatial and temporal 
        * Preparation of tabular and spatial data for analyses and assessments 
conducted by the GCRP;
        * Distribution of data products, including preparation of metadata, 
custom spatial analyses, and utilization of data distribution mechanisms;
        * Creation and use of custom GIS tools for the analysis of climate 
model output in data formats such as NetCDF;
        * Analyses of scenarios of nationwide land-use changes and 
climate-model output;
        * Development of web-based tools on platforms such as ArcGIS Server;
        * Syntheses and description of results in reports and journal articles; 
        * Presentation of research results at relevant conferences and to 
audiences of varied backgrounds.
The participant will also engage in training activities that ensures that all 
environmental data generated or used are scientifically sound, legally 
defensible, and of known and acceptable quality for their intended uses.

Applicants must have received a master’s degree in geography, computer science, 
environmental science, natural resources, or a related field within four years 
of the desired starting date, or have completed all degree requirements prior 
to the start date. Experience with GIS (ESRI ArcGIS 9.x and 10), including 
proficiency in basic operations such as reprojecting data layers, clipping to 
specified units of analysis, compiling and combining data layers (e.g., mosaic 
multiple raster datasets), creating consistent, logical file structures for 
data management including file and personal geodatabases, and proficiency in 
more complex spatial modeling and visualizations is desirable.

The appointment is full-time for one year and may be renewed for up to two 
additional years upon recommendation of EPA and subject to availability of 
funds. The participant will receive a stipend up to $62,467 per year and must 
show proof of health and medical insurance. The participant does not become an 
EPA employee. 

The program is open to all qualified individuals without regard to race, sex, 
religion, color, age, physical or mental disability, national origin, or status 
as a Vietnam era or disabled veteran. U.S. citizenship or lawful permanent 
resident status is preferred (but can also hold an appropriate visa status, 
however, an H1B visa is not appropriate).

How to Apply: 
The Research Participation Program for EPA is administered by the Oak Ridge 
Institute for Science and Education. Please reference Project # 
EPA-ORD/NCEA-IO-2011-01 when calling or writing for information. For additional 
information and application materials contact: Research Participation 
Program/EPA-ORD, Attn: Betty Bowling, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and 
Education, P.O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-0117, Phone: (865) 576-8503 
FAX: (865) 241-5219 e-mail:

An application can be found 

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