A friendly reminder that the EOL Education Innovation Challenge first round 
deadline is this Friday March 23rd by 5:00 pm US Eastern Daylight Time. 

The first round submission is a product idea that includes an overview of 
the concept (1,500 words or less). 

For more information see below and please visit:  


Encyclopedia of Life Education Innovation Challenge

The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) is pleased to announce the EOL Education 
Innovation Challenge, an international competition to foster development of 
educational software tools, services, or games using EOL content. The 
challenge is to use EOL content and services to create an engaging and 
educational application that will promote global learning activities focused 
on discovering and understanding the living world. 

The competition will award funding to the most scalable and innovative 
applications. Target audiences can include the general public, citizen 
scientists and learners of all ages in both formal and informal settings. 
The platform can be the web and/or mobile devices.

The Challenge is a two-stage process.  In Stage 1, applicants submit a 
product idea that includes an overview of the concept. Applicants who are 
selected to continue to Stage 2 will be asked to submit a development plan 
and budget required to complete a working product. One or more prizes will 
be awarded to successful Stage 2 proposals.

Stage 1 applications are due on March 23, 2012 by 5:00 PM US Eastern 
Daylight Time. The results of Stage 1 will be announced no later than April 
13, 2012. Stage 2 submissions are due June 15, 2012.  The results of Stage 2 
will be announced by mid-July 2012.

The prize total is $50,000 USD, which may be divided among one or more 
successful applicants.  In addition to the cash award, the winners' work 
will be promoted and distributed by EOL. 

The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) operates as an ongoing collaboration of 
individuals and organizations who share the vision to provide global access 
to knowledge about life on Earth. EOL is supported by founding sponsors the 
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan 
Foundation.  Additional support comes from EOL member institutions and 
donations from around the world.  

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