A post-doctoral position is immediately available at The University of Southern Mississippi's Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, located in Ocean Springs MS, in the Center for Plant Restoration and Coastal Plant Research (CPR), headed by Dr Patrick Biber (http://www.usm.edu/gcrl/cv/biber.patrick/cv.biber.patrick.full.php). Our research group is interested in developing protocols to propagate /Vallisneria/ and /Ruppia/ in a nursery setting, for future restoration projects in the Northern Gulf of Mexico related to the 2010 oil spill. Existing facilities include 4 incubation chambers, a laminar-flow hood, a large dedicated wet-lab with aquaria and high-output growlights, as well as extensive outdoor mesocosms for large scale growout.

Candidates require a PhD with a strong background in plant ecology or reproductive biology in aquatic systems, and proven experience in one or more of the following fields: plant propagation, SAV restoration, micropropagation, or plant biology. He/she will be responsible for leading a team of scientists and technicians in all aspects of the state-funded project including: the experimental data collections, the analysis and synthesis of this data with other ongoing projects, and the publication of findings in leading research journals.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please upload your application to https://jobs.usm.edu. Documents must include your CV, a cover letter outlining your research experience and interests, and contact information for 3 references. Please also forward a copy of your completed application by e-mail to _patrick.bi...@usm.edu <mailto:patrick.bi...@usm.edu>_
Closing date is May30, 2012or when the position is filled.

Patrick D. Biber, PhD, BSc (Hons)
Associate Professor
Department of Coastal Sciences
(228) 872-4200
patrick.bi...@usm.edu <mailto:patrick.bi...@usm.edu>

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