Research opportunity in biology education at the undergraduate level. The 
Momsen lab 
( in the Department of Biological 
Sciences at North Dakota 
State University is accepting applications for a highly motivated PhD graduate 
student to begin Fall 
2012 or Spring 2013. Current research threads include (1) the role of 
visualizations in learning 
biology, (2) the development of systems thinking skills in biology students, 
and (3) characterizing the 
beliefs and learning habits of rural, frontier, and urban biology students. 
Opportunities exist to 
collaborate across science and math disciplines.

Interested applicants should send a CV, cover letter, transcript (unofficial is 
acceptable) to Jennifer 
Momsen ( Students are supported primarily through 
assistantships, although fellowship opportunities are possible. Additional 
details about the 
department and graduate program can be found on the NDSU Biological Sciences 

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