Hi All,

Just to highlight that there is a world delegation currently meeting in
Panama to decide on an Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services (IPBES) loosely based on the IPCC. We hope that by Saturday, the
IPBES will be formed, including the location of a Secretariat (Nairobi,
Seoul, Paris, Bonn, or Delhi). The conversation now is mostly on rule,
procedures and the structure of the IPBES, however if any one is interested,
you can find a nice summary of the daily discussion on the Earth
Negotiations Bulletin (http://www.iisd.ca/ipbes/sop2/).

The four goals of the IPBES should be of interest to most ecologists and
* To identify and prioritize key scientific information needed for
policymakers and to catalyse efforts to generate new knowledge;
* To perform regular and timely assessments of knowledge on biodiversity and
ecosystem services and their interlinkages;
* To support policy formulation and implementation by identifying
policy-relevant tools and methodologies;
* To prioritize key capacity-building needs to improve the science-policy
interface, and to provide and call for financial and other support for the
highest-priority needs related directly to its activities.
More general information on IPBES can be found at www.ipbes.net



Fabrice DeClerck PhD
Program Leader
Agroecological Intensification and Risk Management
Bioversity International
CATIE Campus 7170
Turrialba Costa Rica, 30501
email: f.decle...@cgiar.org
Phone: (506) 2558-2596
Skype: fadeclerck

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