This subject all boils down to a simple question "Why do I have to study (any) 
subjects that are boring, irrelevant, a turn-off, and learn little from them?"  
 That's what every school age children ask their parents and educators.   Now, 
educators are asking "Why do I have to teach subjects that are boring, 
irrelevant, and a turn-off to students?"   

Interestingly, in this case ecologists are arguing on worth of teaching 
subjects of biology that are not of their strong interests (say, cell-DNA).   I 
am sure that a professor of cell-DNA teaching non-major biology would question 
"what's the worth of teaching ecology for non-biology majors?"    Then, this 
begs a question, what subjects of ecology (among us ecologists) think should 
not be taught to non-biology major's class because the subjects are, say " 
boring, irrelevant, a turn-off, and learn little from them?"  

Toshihide "Hamachan" Hamazaki, 濱崎俊秀PhD
Alaska Department of Fish and Game: アラスカ州漁業野生動物課
Division of Commercial Fisheries: 商業漁業部
333 Raspberry Rd.  Anchorage, AK 99518
Phone:  (907)267-2158
Cell:  (907)440-9934

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