Postdoctoral fellow in the field of anthropogenic impact on populations in
aquatic habitats

One postdoctoral position focusing on modelling the ecological and
evolutionary consequences of human impact on aquatic ecosystems is available
in the newly established group of Dr. David Boukal at the Faculty of
Science, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic). The
position is defined broadly and can be tailored to individual interests. Our
ongoing theoretical work focuses mainly on size-, stage- and trait-based
approaches to population dynamics and community assembly and on fisheries
management and fisheries-induced evolution. Ongoing experiments deal with
predator-prey interactions, life histories and phenotypic plasticity in
freshwater insects, and community assembly in small pools.

Basic qualifications are a PhD in ecology, mathematics or a related field,
obtained after 28 March 2008, and a strong interest in quantitative ecology.
Previous experience in fisheries, fish/insect population dynamics, studies
of life history evolution or community dynamics is a plus. Candidates must
be fluent in English (corresponding to CAE or equivalent) or Czech language.
Young researchers interested in both experimental and theoretical work are
particularly encouraged to apply.

The position is funded through a European Social Fund project, and the
salary is highly competitive. The position is available from 1 September
2012 for up to 34 months and includes funding for 4-5 months to stay in
Prof. Mikko Heino's group at the University of Bergen, Norway
( and/or Dr. Andrew Beckerman's group at the
University of Sheffield (

To apply, please send a CV including the list of publications, research
statement and contacts of two previous supervisors/colleagues to or The call will be open until 15
July 2012 or until the position is filled. Shortlisted candidates will be
interviewed in the second half of July and final decision made immediately

For more information, visit or e-mail David
Boukal (

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