Youth Farmers Organic Market
•       Support a group of future farmers to establish a small but 
commercially viable organic farm, to be managed and operated exclusively by 
local teenagers, as a means to empower them to successfully confront the 
economic and social challenges that this generation faces. 
•       Recover the importance of sustainable agriculture and its 
traditional cultural value, with an emphasis on the recovery of sustainable 
ancestral practices, among the youth of the Community of Camarones
•       Provide the youth with administrative and marketing tools necessary 
to manage their small business and commercialize their products, including 
accounting, marketing, and business planning.
•       Inspire the youth of Camarones to work together to build an 
alternative for their future, keeping them occupied in a productive common 
goal, which will to a certain extent protect them from the threat of drugs 
and alcoholism
•       Preserve the value of cooperation and communitarian work
•       Incentivize this generations to participate in sustainable 
•       Spark an entrepreneurial attitude and self-confidence in undertaking 
an initiative
•       Reforest previously degraded land through agro-forestry  

Project Description
With four years of experience in developing and managing a demonstration 
site for organic agriculture and sustainable agroforestry in a 1-hectare 
plot of land in the Jama-Coaque Ecological Reserve, Third Millennium 
Alliance will help guide the Youth Group to establish and manage their own 
small organic farm on 1 hectare of land in the community of Camarones to 
grow a variety of locally-demanded vegetables, herbs, spices, tropical 
fruits and nuts. The organization will provide the youth with a small plot 
of land on which to work as well as a roadside market with which to 
commercialize their projects, and will support them with the design and 
implementation of the initial and subsequent stages of the organic garden.  
Once the design is complete, the land will be fenced and equipped with an 
irrigation system.  The soil will be amended and prepared for cultivation, 
and the seeds will be sewn. During the initial 6 to 8 months of the project, 
the youth will work by taking turns in the management process, including 
activities such as weed control, organic pest control, fertilization, 
irrigation, and harvest.  In the meantime the youth will meet together once 
a month to organize product inventory and to develop the marketing and sales 
strategies, with the support of Group Leaders and organization staff who are 
trained in the field of sustainable agriculture. The production will be 
locally commercialized from a roadside market along the highway at the 
entrance to the community, as well as in all small supermarkets located in 
the towns near Camarones. The products will be divided into categories: 
fresh products and processed/refined products.  The fresh products will be 
sold as a mixed “basket of goods” that contain a variety of organically-
grown fruits and vegetables that will be delivered to regular clients.  The 
processed/refined products includes, but is not limited to, chocolate, jams 
and marmalade, spices, hot sauces, dry fruits, teas, etc., and will 
commercialized either within the delivery system or at the local markets 
that have already shown interest in this project.     
Another aspect of this project will be the marketing and sales activities, 
which involve product packing design and promotional visits to prospective 
clients and market owners.  For this the youth will be trained and guided 
throughout the whole process.

All activities will be managed within the framework of the Youth Group; the 
role of the organization is to provide a place where they can gather and 
organize their activities; as well as support and training on 
agricultural/technical matters, business administration, accounting, product 
design, and marketing and sales.  Revenue earned from the project will be 
reinvested into the project as well as used toward funding the purchase of 
computers, books, and other educational supplies for use in the Youth Group 
meeting center, as well as funding field trips and other activities aimed at 
broadening their knowledge and worldly experience.
The organization will also film the entire process and produce a short film 
that will serve as a source for promotion and continuous support for this 
long-term project.

How to Apply: 

Please only apply if you know that  As we spend most of the time in the 
forest, we only go into town 1-2 days per week, so internet access is 
limited to as little as 2 hours per week. For this reason, our application 
procedure has been created to make this process as efficient as possible. 

This is how it works:

Download the application form from our website: 

You will need to fill it out, and email it us. Or, fill it out in Adobe, 
print to PDF, and send us a completed digital copy. Submit your application 
to the appropriate email address(es) as listed below. No need to address 
anyone as Mr. or Ms. And please don’t take it personally if we keep our 
responses short – we’re just doing it to economize on time spent in front of 
a computer.  If you are applying to multiple internships, please send one 
email with all application documents to all of the appropriate addresses.

•       Community Education & Sustainable Development Internship - &

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