Graduate Research Assistantship. We have an opening for a graduate student 
seeking a Ph.D. in the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology at Colorado State 
University starting in December 2012 or May 2013. The successful applicant will 
study trophic and hydrologic controls on willow communities in Yellowstone 
National Park to reveal how the reintroduction of wolves has shaped ecosystem 
processes. The position is fully funded by an LTREB award from the National 
Science Foundation. An annual stipend, full tuition waiver, and housing during 
3-4 months of annual work in the field will be provided. Requirements include a 
master's degree in ecology or related field, strong quantitative skills, and 
the ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. There will be an 
opportunity to do a preliminary interview at the Annual Meeting of the 
Ecological Society of America in Portland, Oregon (August 4-8, 2012) and at the 
Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, also in Portland (October 16-18, 2012). 
Contact Tom Hobbs ( and David Cooper 
( to express interest.

Jill M. Lackett
Research Associate
Natural Resource Ecology Lab
Colorado State University
970.491.2343 (p)
970.491.1965 (f)
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