Dear Colleague, 

We are very excited to announce that we are recruiting two new faculty
positions (one open rank and one at the Assistant Professor level) in
*theoretical and quantitative biology* in the College of Biological Sciences
(CBS) at the University of Minnesota. Tenure homes for these positions will
likely be either in the Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior (EEB) or
Plant Biology. 

These hires are part of a major hiring initiative in CBS that will be
filling 16 new positions across all fields of Biology. CBS contains very
strong graduate programs, including one of the leading EEB programs in the
United States. It also recruits a select group of undergraduates to
participate in its innovative teaching program -- only the top 8% of
undergraduate applicants are accepted into the Biology major.

We would appreciate if you would pass this notice on to anyone who might be
interested in these positions. This is particularly important, as we plan to
move the search forward quickly, with review of applications beginning
September 25. For more information see:

If you or any of your colleagues are interested in this position, feel free
to contact Ruth Shaw ( or Eric Seabloom (
For more details on the application process, please contact Nicole N.
Matteson (  

*All inquiries and applications will be held in the strictest confidence;
applicant names will only be released with the approval of the applicant
after we complete the initial review of all applications.*

We have included a short summary of the position below.  
For more information see:

Best wishes,

Ruth Shaw and Eric Seabloom
Search Committee Co-chairs

Proposed Tenure Department: Ecology, Evolution and Behavior or Plant Biology
Appointment Term: 9 month

The College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota announces
two nine-month, tenure-track positions, one at open rank and one Assistant
Professor. Individuals in these positions will be the nucleus of a cluster
in quantitative, theoretical biology, conducting research to address
questions of broad biological import.  We welcome applicants working in any
area of theoretical biology, with focal areas of interest in evolution and
ecology with levels of focus ranging from molecules to ecosystems. 
Duties and Responsibilities:  
The successful candidate will develop a strong, extramurally funded and
collaborative research program, pursue a scholarly, innovative, and
collaborative teaching program, advise undergraduate, graduate and
postdoctoral students, and participate in professional service.  This
position provides numerous opportunities for collaboration in diverse areas
of biology, mathematics, and computer science and access to students in
multiple graduate programs.

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