M.S. or PhD opportunity for studies in population and community ecology at East 

 I invite applications from prospective MS and PhD students.  Research in my 
lab focuses on a 
variety of questions in conservation, population, and community ecology as well 
as the 
development of experimental and quantitative approaches that help to better 
link empirical data to 
ecological and evolutionary theory. In my research, I typically take a 
mechanistic approach aimed at 
understanding how variation in individual traits (e.g. size, stage and 
phenotype) scale up to 
influence population and community level processes and spatial coupling across 
Within this broader context, my research can be loosely categorized into five 
conceptual themes; 1) the ecological consequences of phenotypic plasticity, 2) 
body size 
dependence of ecological interactions, 3) cross ecosystem links formed by the 
sequential process 
of complex life cycles, 4) understanding predator diversity effects, and 5) the 
development of 
innovative experimental and quantitative approaches. I work in a variety of 
systems including 
temperate, tropical, terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems.  

I will consider students with interests in a variety of topics and systems 
(including but not 
restricted to those in which I work) that address complementary questions in 
population and 
community ecology, climate change and conservation.

 For additional information about me, my research and the application process 
please visit:



 About ECU

East Carolina University is the third largest campus in the University of NC 
system and has an 
active and well-supported group of faculty working in the areas of ecology and 
evolution. Students 
accepted into the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Biological Sciences 
will receive at least two 
years of support with no teaching obligations and at least five years of 
support total, at a very 
competitive level.  TA-ships are readily available in two MS programs and 
Biology faculty members 
also supervise students in ECU's Coastal Resource Management PhD program. 
Graduate students 
will be encouraged to participate in the newly formed North Carolina Center for 
Biodiversity (NCCB) 
at East Carolina University.  Goals of the NCCB include training graduate 
students in biodiversity 
research and providing them opportunities to participate in related outreach.

Students enjoy living in the affordable community of Greenville, NC, 
participating in seminar series 
and journal clubs that feature research in ecology and evolution, and having 
access to several 
natural areas, universities and research centers located in central and eastern 
NC.  Application 
deadlines vary with particular programs but applying early is recommended. 
Please visit 
http://www.ecu.edu/biology/ to find out more about the Biology department at 
ECU and graduate 


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