In the wake of that first-cold-front-of-the-fall on 8 September, we ran our 
mist nets and expected to catch a potful of early migrants. As described last 
week, that didn't happen but we did make an exciting capture a couple of days 
later--only the tenth Belted Kingfisher we've ever banded. "This Week at Hilton 
Pond" we write about this heavy-billed species that bites our fish AND our 
fingers. We offer plenty of close-up kingfisher photos and info in the 
installment for 9-14 September 2012 at

While there don't forget to scroll down for a list of all birds banded or 
recaptured during the period, as well as miscellaneous comments about Common 
Nighthawks and an ancient American Goldfinch that showed up in our traps.

And if you missed last week's gallery of bird portraits over the 
weekend--apparently lots of folks didn't get the message--it's still up at

Happy Nature Watching!


P.S. Please "Like" our new Facebook page at 
for timely updates on nature topics.


c/o BILL HILTON JR. Executive Director
Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History
1432 DeVinney Road, York, South Carolina 29745 USA
office & cell (803) 684-5852
fax (803) 684-0255

Please visit our web sites (courtesy of
Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History at 
"Operation RubyThroat: The Hummingbird Project" at


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