Good afternoon,

I am writing to announce an exciting national series of climate action
leadership workshops for college undergraduates and recent graduates. Called
the C2C Fellows Workshops, these events will occur across the country over
the 2012-2013 academic year. The workshops will commence at the University
of Tennessee Chattanooga on the weekend of October 26th. I'd
appreciate your forwarding this announcement to your colleagues, students,
and recent graduates.

C2C stands for Campus to Congress, and also for Campus to Capitol, to City
Hall, and to Corporation. C2C Fellows convenes regional weekend training
workshops that support students to envision a path to early leadership and
to develop their skills. This interactive workshop covers communication,
entrepreneurship, environmental and climate science, media, raising capital,
and other critical topics.

The workshop is taught by Dr. Eban Goodstein, an economist, scholar and
Director of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, and Dean of the Bard
MBA in Sustainability. From 2008-2010, Goodstein organized a series of
national, one-day educational events on global warming solutions. The
teach-in’s and dialogs were among the biggest in US history, together
involving over 2500 colleges, universities, high schools and faith
communities, and close to a million students.

Workshops will occur at:

University of Tennessee Chattanooga (southeast regional): Oct 26-28
Bard College (Northeast regional): Nov 30 - Dec 2
University of Colorado Boulder (Southwest regional): Feb 22-24
University of Michigan Ann Arbor (Midwest regional): Mar 15-17
and at a location TBA on Apr 12-14.

Visit our website,, for more information or to encourage
students to apply -- applications for all events prior to April are being
accepted now.

Please let me know if I can provide you with additional information. Thank you!

Jess Scott
C2C Fellows Workshop Facilitator
Bard Center for Environmental Policy
(570) 238 7662 (cell)

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