I am seeking to recruit two students to pursue a PhD degree in Renewable 
Natural Resources with an area of concentration in Watershed Sciences. The 
students will conduct soil and water sample collections in Southwest Louisiana 
over a period of two years, and will analyze petroleum pollution of hydrogen 
sulfide and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) in various water 
bodies. The goal of the research is to assess transfer and environmental fate 
of the toxic chemical compounds in the coastal rivers and estuaries.  

Minimal qualifications include a background in water quality or a similar 
discipline (e.g. soil chemistry, environmental toxicology, hydrology etc.). A 
strong work ethic, strong academic record, evidence of excellent written and 
quantitative skills, and the ability to work both as part of a team and 
independently are critical, in addition to possessing a valid U.S. driver's 

To apply: Submit the following materials via email to Jun Xu (y...@lsu.edu; 
http://www.rnr.lsu.edu/people/xu/default.htm): resume, unofficial transcripts & 
GRE scores, a letter describing relevant research experience, and names and 
contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin 
immediately and continue until the positions are filled. Start date is expected 
to be in the spring semester of 2013.

Y. Jun Xu

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