The Yohannes lab at the University of Konstanz, Germany, member of the 
International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Organismal Biology, is
offering the fully-funded three-year PhD position 

Isotopic finger-printing of contemporary and historic changes in copepod 
trophic position following a shift in lake trophy

Project abstract Copepods play a central role in freshwater food webs. As 
or secondary consumers they utilize varieties of food items ranging from 
bacteria to a wide array of phytoplankton and transfer the energy of primary
production to higher trophic levels. During the last decades, many lakes, 
Lake Constance, have experienced changes in their trophic status, i.e.,
eutrophication to oligotrophication. Several studies report species-specific 
of copepods to environmental changes highlighting that the response of 
copepods to
environmental changes should only be analyzed on a species level. We propose 
estimate the shift in trophic position of copepods following the change in 
lake trophy
of Lake Constance applying three copepod species that differ in important 
aspects of
their life history i.e., in the presence and timing of diapause & diet – 
Cyclops vicinus
(with typical summer diapause), Mesocyclops leuckarti (winter diapause), and
Eudiaptomus gracilis (without diapause). The species with either summer or 
diapause experience environmental and dietary changes only during the 
when they are active since they are on diapause during the rest of the 
annual cycle.
Lake Constance is highly suited for such an analysis since the lake is 
monitored with high sampling frequency and archived materials that date back 
early 1960s.
This study will use isotopic and amino acid finger-printing of both recent 
and archived
materials to reconstruct individual species response to past food-web 
during periods of significant ecosystem change.
The successful applicant will participate in the International Max Planck 
School (IMPRS) for Organismal Biology, the PhD program of the Max Planck 
for Ornithology in Seewiesen and Radolfzell and the University of Konstanz. 
IMPRS students are supported by stipends or contracts. The program offers a
dedicated teaching program, high quality research experience, and 
research facilities in an inspiring research and living environment. The 
language is English. Each PhD student receives individual supervision and 
and is guided in her/his research work by a PhD advisory committee.
Qualification Applicants should hold a MSc or equivalent degree in biology 
or a
related discipline at the point of enrollment.
Queries should be mailed to the IMPRS program office:
Deadline for the application is January 15, 2013. Interviews are scheduled 
for Mid-
March. The successful candidate is expected to start latest September 2013.
The University of Konstanz is an equal opportunity employer.
Application For the online application process visit
More information at and

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