At nearly 96,000 acres, Seney National Wildlife Refuge (Seney NWR) in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is one of the larger National Wildlife Refuges east of the Mississippi River. Seney NWR also administers island refuges in Lakes Superior, Michigan, and Huron, as well as Kirtland’s Warbler Wildlife Management Area in the northern Lower Peninsula. For more information see: http://www.fws.gov/midwest/seney/ During the summer of 2013, Seney NWR will offer 2-3 Applied Sciences Program internships. These positions will last for up to 12 weeks, with some flexibility in starting and ending dates. Assigned duties will be wide-ranging and will provide an immersion in ecology and land management. While the primary goal of the internship is to provide Seney NWR with field assistants, consideration is given to providing interns a broader glimpse of professional expectations within the field. Because of this, interns will be challenged as one would many M.S. students. Assigned duties may include assisting with biological and ecological assessments and inventories (e.g., forest stand assessments and inventories, bird surveys and censuses, frog and toad surveys, colonial waterbird surveys); assisting with habitat management (e.g., forest management, invasive species management); and assisting with on-going research projects. Daily work is often weather-dependent, with some work done rain or shine. Applicants must be flexible and willing to adapt to changes for these and other unforeseen circumstances. Interested applicants should be currently or recently enrolled as an undergraduate student, be inquisitive and mature, be willing to learn and work hard, enjoy working outside and in remote settings, be experienced with orienteering (no MapQuest!), be physically fit, be able to work independently, as a part of a team, and with high expectations, have solid communication skills, have a valid driver’s license, and have a background in a related field. Interns are provided $200/week stipends from the Seney Natural History Association for a 40 to 50-hour work week. Some work will occur during weekends and evenings. Seney NWR will provide dorm-style housing, laundry facilities, and a work vehicle at no charge. Interns should have their own transportation for other uses. To apply, hardcopies of the following must be COMBINED INTO ONE PACKET and be received on or before 4 PM ET, Tuesday, 5 February 2013: 1. a 1-page cover letter describing personal background and interests and a discussion on how these integrate with Seney’s mission (see URL, above); 2. a detailed resume describing education, work experiences, and skills; 3. unofficial copies of all college transcripts; 4. two (2) Letters of Recommendation that must include the name, affiliation, address, telephone number, and email address of each person writing a letter. One (1) Letter must come from a past employer not associated with a university and demonstrate the candidate’s ability to accomplish independent work. Practical skills are highly valued. Applications will be reviewed as they arrive at Seney NWR and until the positions are filled. Decisions should be made within 1-2 weeks after the closing date. All information should be sent to: Dr. Greg Corace Head, Applied Sciences Program Seney National Wildlife Refuge 1674 Refuge Entrance Rd. Seney, MI 49883 Incomplete (or late) applications may not receive full consideration. No application material submitted by email will be accepted and all material must arrive in one packet. For additional information, contact Dr. Corace at (906) 586-9851 x14 or greg_cor...@fws.gov