FYI. Please do not contact me about these positions. Contact informat

FYI. Please do not contact me about these positions. Contact information at the 
end of the advertisement!

Advertisement of vacancies
The Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Berlin is
Germany’s premier wildlife research institute. The IZW focuses on the life
histories and mechanisms of evolutionary adaptations of mammals and birds, their
limits and their conservation in natural and anthropogenically influenced 
For a major new interdisciplinary research initiative, funded through the Pact 
Research and Innovation via the Leibniz Association, on 
“Gradual environmental change
versus single catastrophe –
drivers of mammalian evolution”
the IZW, together with its partner, the Potsdam Institute for Climate
Impact Research (PIK)with expertise in the areas of climate change,
climate policy and climate economics, and in collaboration with further 
offers the following positions:
(1+2)   2 PhD positions
in Evolutionary Genomics (IZW)
(3)       1 PhD
position in Stable Isotope Analysis and Evolutionary Genomics (IZW)
(4)       1 PhD
position in Nonlinear Analysis and Reconstruction of Palaeo climate (PIK)
(5)       1
Technical Assistant in Evolutionary Genomics (IZW)
The research initiative will focus on the evolution of mammals in the
Sunda Shelf in southeast Asia, a global biodiversity hotspot. By combining 
reconstructions, molecular genetic data and species distribution data from the
Late Pleistocene to the present we will detect and understand the mechanisms
generating complex distribution patterns of genetic and species diversity
(Pleistocene refugia) and thereby evaluate the impact of the hypothesised key
drivers which may shape biodiversity.Using carnivores, primates and hoofed 
mammals as models,
this will also contribute to the assessment of the long-term consequences of 
the current (man-made)
biodiversity crisis.
(Positions 1+2, reference
34/2012) Candidates should hold a master’s degree or diploma in biology or
related disciplines and have a strong background in molecular biology,
population genetics, and/or bioinformatics. Experience with ‘ancient’ DNA work 
next generation sequencing is an advantage.
(3, ref 35/2012) The
successful candidate will investigate the ecology of mammals in the Sunda Shelf
and combine stable isotope analyses with genetic work. Candidates should have a
master’s degree or diploma in biology or related disciplines. Experience in
working with stable isotopes and a background in evolutionary ecology is an
(4, ref 36/2012) The
set of tasks associated with the position includes the reconstruction and 
of climate conditions in the last 100,000 years in southeast Asia by using
proxy records derived from stalagmites and developing new (nonlinear)
techniques in order to consider instationarities, uncertainties, time-series
with gaps and unequally sampled time-series. The successful candidate should 
a master’s degree or diploma in mathematics or physics with profound skills in
nonlinear dynamics, data analysis and programming in several languages (e.g.
Python, Matlab, C++).
(5, ref 37/2012) We
are looking for a technical assistant with strong molecular biology skills and,
preferably, experience in ‘ancient’ DNA work and next generation sequencing.
We offer
state-of-the-art methodology and a stimulating research environment in an
interdisciplinary, collaborative project. For all candidates, organisational
skills, high motivation and the willingness to work as part of a team within a
highly interdisciplinary project are essential, as is proficiency in English. 
enquiries or further questions, please contact Dr Joerns Fickel (IZW) Tel.: +49
(0)30 5168-314,, or
Dr Norbert Marwan (PIK), Tel.: +49 (0)331 288-2466,
All positions are
subject to final financial confirmation by the Leibniz Association. Salary and
benefits will be competitive (e.g., a 65% scientist’s salary for the PhD
students).Positions are limited to three years and will be available from 1st 
April 2013. Interviews will take place 4–8 February 2013. As members of the
Leibniz Association, both IZW and PIKare equal opportunity employers, are 
to increase the proportion of women in successful scientific careers, and
particularly encourage women to apply.
Please submit your
application (quoting references 34-37/2012)
with a motivation letter, CV, copies of relevant degrees and contact details of
two people who can provide a reference as one single PDF-file not larger than
500 kb before or latest on January 6th, 2013 to Stephanie Vollberg
/ Roswitha Hildebrand, Leibniz Institut for Zoo & Wildlife Research, P.O.Box
700430, D-10324 Berlin, Germany,

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