The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Science Advisory 
Board's Research and Development Portfolio Review Task Force (PRTF) invites 
comments on the draft report of the PRTF; the  draft report and the 
instructions for providing comments are available on NOAA's Science Advisory 
Board website at:


At the request of NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco, the Science Advisory 
Board (SAB) undertook in 2012 a review of the Agency's research and development 
portfolio.  The shared goal of the SAB and the Administrator was to ensure that 
NOAA's investment in R&D continues to contribute to the improvement of 
economic, employment, national security, nutritional, and life and property in 
the United States. 

In response to Dr. Lubchenco's request, the Science Advisory Board appointed 
the R&D Portfolio Review Task Force (PRTF) and charged it with determining how 
NOAA's R&D portfolio is related to its strategic mission priorities, and based 
on this assessment, advising how the R&D enterprise should be structured and 
managed at NOAA.   More specifically, the Task Force was directed to examine 
how the current state of research at NOAA supported the strategic goals in the 
Agency's Next Generation Strategic Plan and to recommend management changes 
where necessary to ensure alignment with those goals.  
The SAB launched this review because it anticipated that discussions on 
prioritizing R&D will be necessary across all federal agencies over the next 
several years.   Thus, an overall goal of the review was to ensure that current 
and future investments in R&D at NOAA are and will be made effectively and 
productively in support of the top priorities of the Agency.  An operating 
assumption of this effort was that there would be no new funding for R&D in the 
immediate future.

The terms of reference for the review set out two major questions for the PRTF 
to address:
1.  What portfolio of R&D activities does NOAA need to achieve its vision and 
strategic goals? 
2. How should NOAA's R&D portfolio be organized and managed to achieve its 
vision and strategic goals?

How to Submit Comments:

Following the instructions for providing comments on the SAB 
website(; please submit comments 
electronically to  The deadline for public comments 
is 5pm on January 23, 2013

For general information about the PRTF please visit the SAB website:

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