Post-Doc – Bioenergetics of Arctic Grayling

Energetic, team oriented and self-motivated individuals are encouraged to 
apply for a post-doctoral position on developing bio-energetic and habitat 
models for Arctic Grayling. Arctic Grayling are undergoing dramatic declines 
across Alberta and Arctic territories. These declines are largely attributed 
to habitat alteration, land-use and climate change. The post-doctoral 
candidate will use existing data to build bio-energetic and habitat based 
models for Arctic Grayling in Alberta and Arctic territories. This project 
is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between the University of Alberta, 
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (with Dr. Eva Enders) and industry partners. It 
is expected that there will be potential to extend this position towards a 
second year, with potential to validate models using field work in 
subsequent year/s. Annual salary will be $42,000 (plus benefits). Expected 
start date is spring 2013, but is negotiable.

Candidates must have a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Biology, Ecology, Zoology, 
Evolutionary Biology, or a related field, with a good publication record and 
high overall GPA. Bio-energetic modelling experience and quantitative skills 
are considered an asset. Experience with freshwater fishes is preferred but 
not required. Candidates interested in this position should send an email to 
Dr. Mark Poesch ( with cover letter outlining research 
interests and quantitative experience, CV, and three academic references.

The University of Alberta is consistently rated as one of the top 5 
universities in Canada, and one of the top 100 universities worldwide. 
Housed in Alberta’s capital city, Edmonton (population of 1.2 million 
people), the University of Alberta provides a dynamic mixture of a large 
research intensive university and urban culture and recreation. More than 
39,000 students from across Canada and 144 other countries participate in 
nearly 400 programs and 18 faculties. See

Contact:        Dr. Mark Poesch, Assistant Professor
                University of Alberta, Department of Renewable Resources
                751 General Services Building, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H1

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