We are excited to announce the second annual “Lacawac Ecological Observatory
Workshop (LEOW)” to be held June 26-29, 2013 at Lacawac Sanctuary in Lake
Ariel, Pennsylvania. This workshop is being held with Kent State University
and Miami University’s NSF Environmental Aquatic Resource Sensing IGERT
program (http://biology.kent.edu/IGERT/). 

LEOW will focus on advanced sensors, continental scale ecology approaches,
and management/analysis of large ecological datasets. A preliminary agenda,
registration form, and more information can be found at
http://lacawac.org/?p=94. Registration must be received by June 7, 2013. 

Please contact Lesley Knoll (knol...@miamioh.edu) if you have any questions
about the workshop.

Thanks from the LEOW organizing committee,
Lesley Knoll, Jennie Brentrup, Bruce Hargreaves, Nicole Hayes, Kevin Rose,
Craig Williamson, and Luke Winslow

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