Hi, everyone!

This morning I taught a live "marine biology 101" style lecture on bycatch
over twitter. Thanks to all those who participated- participants included
locals as well as scientists, students, and interested citizens from around
the world!

If you're interested in learning more about how to teach a class live over
twitter, or are just interested in reading the transcript of the lecture
(including questions and comments from participants), I encourage you to
check out this link on our lab blog:


I'm happy to answer any questions that anyone has about twitter teach-ins.



*David Shiffman*
*Ph.D. Student, Research Assistant,*
Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy <http://www.cesp.miami.edu/>
R.J. Dunlap Marine Conservation Program <http://rjd.miami.edu/>

[image: RJD]

*e: *david.shiff...@gmail.com | *p: *412.915.2309
*a: *4600 Rickenbacker Cswy, Miami, Florida, 33149
*t: *@WhySharksMatter <http://twitter.com/#!/WhySharksMatter> | *b: *Southern
Fried Science Blog <http://www.southernfriedscience.com/>

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