Graduate Student Position Announcement

Position: M.S. Graduate Research Assistantship, Department of Wildlife
Ecology, University of Maine, Orono. 

Project: Investigate relationships among forest stand structure, tree
species composition, seed production, and the small-to-medium-sized mammal
community in Maine. The student will have flexibility in identifying
specific research questions and hypotheses, but it is expected that he/she
will interact with other projects in our research group to explore and test
key concepts in community ecology as they relate to forest management.

Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in the biological sciences or a closely
related discipline, research experience (field and/or lab), demonstrated
quantitative skills, and excellent written and oral communication abilities.
A minimum GPA of 3.2 and GRE of 1200 are desired. Applicants with an
expressed desire to be part of a collaborative research team, and who have
an intellectual interest in linking population processes to community-level
dynamics are especially encouraged to apply.

Compensation: Salary $19,000 per year with opportunity for annual increases,
a full tuition waiver, and one half of annual student health insurance
costs. Funding is renewed annually for 2.5 years.

Dates: Position to begin fall semester 2013. Review of applications will
begin 27 March and continue until filled.

To apply: Send a letter of application, CV, copies of transcripts, GRE
scores, and contact information for three references to Shawn McKinney via
email (, and write “application to MS position” in
the subject line.

Relevant links:

The University of Maine is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer.

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