The Springs Stewardship Institute (SSI) is an initiative of the Museum of
Northern Arizona, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. SSI
( was established to improve the understanding and
stewardship of springs ecosystems, educate the public and resource managers,
and foster partnerships to protect these critically endangered ecosystems.  

We are proud to announce this year's dates for our Springs Inventory and
Assessment Workshops, to be held at the Museum of Northern Arizona in
Flagstaff, AZ.  These two-day workshops will help participants better
understand springs ecosystems resources, status, management planning,
stewardship, monitoring, and information management.  More information on
springs workshops can be found at  The cost of a workshop
is $350, which includes workshop materials and field trip transportation.

Workshop dates for 2013 (training runs from 9-5 each day):

.         May 15-16

.         June 12-13

.         September 4-5

We also offer in-depth workshops at your location, tailored to your
organization's specific needs.  

Other services provided by SSI include:

.         Springs inventory and monitoring surveys

.         U.S. Forest Service Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem surveys

.         GIS and data management support

.         Groundwater sampling and modeling

.         Biological inventory and identification

.         Cultural resource inventory and assessment

.         Stewardship advisement and planning

.         Proposal development

.         Technical and scientific peer review

.         Restoration planning and implementation

.         Internships

.         Professional collaboration

Our team at SSI has nearly 40 years  of field experience conducting springs
ecosystem research, inventories, and assessments on dozens of federal,
provincial, tribal, and private  management units,  including private
ranches and farms, U.S. Forest Service lands, BLM range lands, tribal
reservations, and state and national parks in the United States and Canada.
Please call our office at 928-774-5211 x 231 or send an email to We can discuss how the Springs Stewardship
Institute can help your organization meet its springs-related goals.   

Jeri Ledbetter, Larry Stevens, and Abe Springer

Springs Stewardship Institute, Museum of Northern Arizona

3101 North Fort Valley Road

Flagstaff, AZ  86001


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