Gerrit Parmile Wilder Endowed Chair in Botany

The Department of Botany at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa invites outstanding scientists with research interests in the biology and/or ecology of marine, aquatic or terrestrial plants to apply for a tenure-eligible position as the Gerrit Parmile Wilder Endowed Chair in Botany. The successful candidate will join a faculty with diverse research interests, including a strong focus on evolutionary biology, ecology, ethnobotany and conservation. Teaching responsibilities will include an upper level undergraduate course and a graduate course in the individual's specialty. As holder of the Chair, the incumbent would manage a substantial discretionary fund for research and training. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in botany / ecology / evolution or a related field, evidence of excellence in teaching, prior or current college or university appointment at the rank of associate professor or professor or equivalent, and a strong publication record. Desirable qualifications include outstanding communication skills, extramural funding, international recognition, a track record of collaboration, and plans for a research program that takes advantage of Hawai'i's unique biota. Individuals interested in developing innovative initiatives within the Department of Botany and the College of Natural Sciences are especially encouraged to apply. Additional details can be found under position no. <>84876 at: <> To apply, please send a single PDF document to <> that includes: 1) a cover letter indicating your teaching and research interests and how you satisfy the minimum and desirable qualifications; 2) a detailed curriculum vitae; and, 3) names and contact information for three professional references. Review of applications will begin on August 15 2013 and continue until the position is filled. The University of Hawai'i is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution and encourages applications from women and minority candidates.
Anthony Amend
Assistant Professor of Botany

University of Hawaii
Department of Botany, 101 St. John
3190 Maile Way
Honolulu, HI 96822


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