Time and Google have teamed up to present an interactive map that allows you to 
view anywhere in the world and see how it has changed over time from 1984 to 
present. In addition it has a fascinating article about LANDSAT and the 
development of the project.  


Thank you.

Mike Nolan


If we are on another line or away from the phone, please leave your number, 
best time to return your call and your e-mail address.
After hours and weekend phone appointments are available upon request.


J. Michael Nolan, Director
Rainforest and Reef

"Outstanding-Affordable Field Courses in Rainforest & Marine Ecology"

Destinations and Field Courses that we Specialize in: 

North America....Alaska (Southeast and the Interior), Hawaii, British Columbia, 
the Florida Keys and Everglades National Park

Caribbean....The Islands of Curacao and Dominica

Central America....Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panamá

South America....Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador and The Galápagos Islands and Péru

Mexico....The Baja Peninsula (especially during the Spring Whale Migration and 
Breeding season)

East Africa....Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar Island

Australia and New Zealand

Birding, Photography, Botanical Garden Tours are available upon request to most 
Destinations that we offer.

The following "Research Expeditions" are now also available upon 
request...Endangered Species of Brazil; Macaws and Primates of the Peruvian 
Amazon (Tambopata-Candamo Reserve Zone) and Endangered Sea Turtles of Costa 
Rica (widecast.org).

Spanish/Cultural Immersion Programs are available in Costa Rica, Panamá, 
Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia and Spain.

Sea Kayaking is available in British Columbia, Southeast Alaska, Baja Mexico, 
Belize and The Galápagos Islands.

References/Comments from past Group Leaders and Individual Participants can be 
found at our Website (http://rainforestandreef.org/comments.htm), many more are 
available upon request. 

Rainforest and Reef
161 Main St. 
Coopersville, MI 49404 
Local/International Phone: 1.616.604.0546
Toll Free U.S. and Canada: 1.877.255.3721
Fax: 1.616.604.0546
Google Talk/Skype: travelwithrandr
AOL IM: buddythemacaw
E-mail: mno...@rainforestandreef.org and travelwithra...@gmail.com
Note: Please send inquiries to both e-mail addresses
Web: http://rainforestandreef.org (under revision for 2013 and beyond)

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